Category Archives: Uncategorized


What Is a VPN? Beginner’s Guide, Explained by Experts (2024)

In an age where our online privacy and security are constantly under threat, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has become increasingly crucial. But what exactly is a VPN? How does it work, and why should you consider...


How to Fix Discord Pop Out not Working with 5 Methods

In today’s digital age, where seamless communication is key, any hindrance in our virtual interactions can be a significant inconvenience. Whether you’re a dedicated gamer striving for uninterrupted coordination during gameplay or a professional seeking efficient communication within your...

SEO experts: Backlinks remain the most important ranking factor

In the last few years, there has been much debate about the importance of backlinks. Some SEO experts have stated that backlinks are becoming less important. At Automatic Backlinks, we know that backlinks are just as important as ever,...

What is a Quality Backlink?

Here is a good definition of a “quality backlink” from Webopedia: So we can see right off some indicators of quality: Using your keywords From a relevant source A good start, but there is more. Ask any SEO expert...

Get The Most Out Of Your Backlink Campaigns

Automatic Backlinks is a great tool, but you still need to work a little in order to get the most out of it. Before you start a new campaign, take a little time to make sure it gets off...

The Benefits Of Long Tail Keywords

Easier/Cheaper Rankings Long tail Keywords (usually three or four words) tend to be a lot easier to rank for than more specific single or double keyword phrases. If you were to try and rank for the keyword Adventure for...

2015. Backlinks Remain A Crucial Ranking Factor

When it comes to backlinks little has changed over the years. Websites with more backlinks simply rank better. Expect no difference in 2015. The picture below shows the results of Search Metric’s 2014 SEO ranking factors report. As you...

A life of its own

When we go home at night Automatic Backlinks keeps working away on being awesome at exchanging links. Here are some of the tasks that are performed continually - even while you sleep.

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